Wednesday, February 16, 2011

5 Reasons A Listening Brand is Powerful:

1) If your job is to provide valuable service to a customer (and most of us do), it behoves you to be on top of what they need from you. It's your job to over deliver and make the experience a pleasurable one. Great service should be a given in business, but we know that not everyone is listening.

2) When it comes to performing our services it's good if you get it. Nothing is more irritating to customers than having to explain it more than once. Time is money and an inability to listen can cost you big time.

3) What's up Doc? Bugs had it right - keeping your ear to the wind, alerts you to opportunities that could make your month. Being alert brings in leads, listen for the cues.

4) Not listening can lose you a job. A client recently informed me that a supplier they recently hired badly dropped the ball and delivered something that they felt was out of left field. Their collective comment was, " Weren't they listening?" You know where they're going to end up don't we. When you're listening it's all about them, when you're not it's all about you. Ouch!

5) If your brand is known by how effective you are and how you resonate with people, then your brand is a "Listening Brand." This is a huge compliment and a branding must. When you listen, everything happens in a positive way and that's great for everyone.

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