Friday, November 11, 2011

Is Your Business Leary Of Facebook?

I'll admit it - I'm not  a fan of Facebook for business. I'd much rather Linkedin. At Linkedin, it "thinks" like a business environment. Everything is geared to making that connection and sale. Facebook, is way too personal for me. I really don't need to know that my potential customer is boating tonight, or is joining his son's family for a barbecue. It's frankly - none of my business.

I can't tell you the number of times I've tried to start a "focused" conversation only to have it high-jacked by a well meaning friend or brother or sister, turning it into an entirely conversation than what was intended. For some businesses it works great for awareness and drawing people to an issue. I guess I'm just saying it's not a fit YET for me. Some of my peers have great success with it. 

I enjoy Oreo cookies business page on Facebook. When I do figure out my fir there, I think it will follow their model.

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