Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Let Out Your Inner Author!

I'm quickly adding tips to my growing list of branding tips. You see I am planning on taking all the tips from the past few years that I have been sending out every Wednesday in "Ed Roach's Two Cents Worth" mailing. The title of this new book will be: "Ed Roach's Two Cents Worth: 101 Branding Tips!" The format I favour is a hard cover pocket book. It takes a lot of effort to put together a book, and at the same time is exciting. Publishing adds to your expert profile and gives you something to sell at speaking engagements. I have spoken with many speakers who say that a book is important to getting engagements as well.

I have a peer who put together his working philosophy into a book instead of a brochure and gives it out to prospective clients. He says he gets a terrific response to this, and they take care to handle it nicely. With today's on-demand printing houses like and it is so easy to publish without the need to warehouse huge quantities. You have the expertise, why not immortalize it into a book?

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