Monday, March 29, 2010

How to Set Up A Podcast.

If you've noticed here at The Brand Corral, I've started putting podcasts of Branding Tips up once a week. The tips are short and sweet and hopefully useful. I put them together myself and you should too. It adds to the rich content any good blog should have. I use a simple little sound editor to record and assemble the files.

The set-up of my podcasts are a common intro and exit. The middle part I change for each podcast. So if you follow my format the first thing you want to do, is find a person with a good voice to do your intro and exit. This is the donut of the production. Then choose some distinctive music to set the tone. When you listen to my music, it is my intention to create a sound icon. I want this bit of music to be identified with The Branding Experts. It will play under the voice over and then fade out before the beginning of the tip and pick up and out at the end. Last, you just record the center part for each new podcast. This is the part that changes each time. The donut portion stays the same for consistency.

Last Saturday morning I completed 28 new podcasts, and every one is under 30 seconds each. I save them out as MP3 files and upload the lot to DivShare. In DivShare, I can change the color of the player and using an embed code, place the podcast into my blog article and that's it. Every Wednesday a new one will appear.

I hope you return to get this week's tip.

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